In the spirit of us humans, it is still almost interchangeable intangible border between dream and reality. It is said that Blessed are those who dream in color and sensory detail, and especially those who are blessed vividly remember everything, or almost everything, their dreams.
Others, however, may not be so lucky. These people are waking up zero or confused, eager to remember the previous night, but they are powerless in this respect. Dreams are the doors and hatches to our unconscious. We do not imagine that just so that we can have an adventure enjoyable time during our sleep. We dream because it is our unconscious mind around the whole process we have experienced during our days.
Therefore, the interpretation of dreams is a very important act. By knowing the meaning of our dreams, we are doing ourselves a favor. We can only make assumptions when it comes to "signs" in our dreams. From the olden days, dreams were seen as portents, as warning signs, such as special messages, such as promises of good things to come.
This desire to find meaning in our dreams is fundamentally in our culture. We are, after all, it means policy makers. This is what separates us from other living beings: the ability to draw from and meaningless. Honestly, have you ever met someone who has never read a single text of their horoscope, or even curious to know how it obtained? Throughout their lives? Lame. We are always curious, haunted, fascinated, and dependent on meanings and messages. Even something as trivial as falling leaves or the passage of a cloud. This is called poetry. And what better way is there a merger dreams and poetry. The most complex of our dreams, are the most colourful lives, we think.
When I think of it, when was the first time you heard about the interpretation and analysis of dreams? In fact, at an early age, we have already exposed to the desire to know meaning in our dreams. Children are perhaps the most vivid and active dreamers. As children, you can sleep at night and dream of a lot of things, and in the morning, immediately after we ask our parents to them. Our parents will do their best to interpret our dreams as if they are a kind of mediums. And finally, they will clearly our questions at any given time.
What is it about the psychological sphere, astrology, or even a basic reading tarot cards, which we treat as such a basic, almost necessary, a part of our daily lives? It is their mystery and the act of finding their answers. The admit: it is curious to try to remember the world before them.
Consider this: you dream of losing a tooth. Of course, most people already know the meaning of this. Bad luck. But if you want to be sure and read it with your own eyes, you could search the Internet and find a fair interpretation of dreams of losing her teeth.
Here's what you might find: "For a dent in the fall, announced unpleasant news; if two, it indicates the hapless dreamer will be immersed in the absence of gross negligence. If three in the fall, disease and accidents of extreme gravity follow. "Shock would be your first reaction. But, more importantly, your response should be carefully to live from that day. After all, we share the good and bad luck.
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